Mineral and rock abundances

Click on mineral or rock names for glossary link.

None (0) Minor (1) Few (2) Common (3) Frequent (4) Major (5) Very Dominant (6)
0% 0-5% 5-15% 15-30 % 30-50% 50-70% 70-100%

Calcareous Quartz Feldspar
Pyroxene Amphibole Opaque iron oxides
Biotite Muscovite Olivine
Epidote Garnet/ Spinel Igneous/Metamorphic Rocks
Sedimentary/Metasedimentary Rocks Grog


Rock types

Rock type identification can be very subjective. Use as a guide only.

Vitric Felsitic Microlitic Microphaneritic
Lathwork Metavolcanic Plutonite Limeclast
Tectonite Argillitic Chert Quartzite