Site: Alu (Shortland)

Island: Shortland Islands


None (0) Minor (1) Few (2) Common (3) Frequent (4) Major (5) Very Dominant (6)
0% 0-5% 5-15% 15-30 % 30-50% 50-70% 70-100%

Name Cal. QuartzFeldspar Pyroxene Amphibole Opaques OlivineBiotite Muscovite Epidote Garnet/ SpinelIg./Met. Rocks Sed. Rocks Grog Lithics/ Region
tpr110 0 1 6 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 microlitic
Shortland feldspathic 0 0 6 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Solomons


Slide Fabric Possible OriginCal. QuartzFeldspar Pyroxene Amphibole Opaques OlivineBiotite Muscovite Epidote Garnet/ Spinel Ig./Met. Rocks Sed. Rocks Grog Lithics
WD_103_9 tpr110 (Shortland feldspathic) Bougainville/SI 0 0 6 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 microlitic
WD_103_1 tpr110 (Shortland feldspathic) Bougainville/SI 0 0 6 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 microlitic
WD_103_13 tpr110 (Shortland feldspathic) Bougainville/SI 0 0 6 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 microlitic
WD_103_14 tpr110 (Shortland feldspathic) Bougainville/SI 0 0 6 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 microlitic
WD_103_15 tpr110 (Shortland feldspathic) Bougainville/SI 0 0 6 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 microlitic
WD_103_3 tpr110 (Shortland feldspathic) Bougainville/SI 0 0 6 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 microlitic
WD_103_4 tpr110 (Shortland feldspathic) Bougainville/SI 0 0 6 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 microlitic
WD_103_7 tpr110 (Shortland feldspathic) Bougainville/SI 0 0 6 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 microlitic


shortlandK1 shortlandK1
Sherd K1 from Alu (Shortland) (Shortland Islands). Slide WD_103_9 from Dickinson Collection, Bishop Museum. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image or full slide in VIMIPO (user: Guest pwd: Guest). Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Middle Period Ware. Feldspathic sands in which plagioclase mineral grains of volcanic derivation form the predominant grain type. Distinguised from others by the green hornblende lacking brown pleochromic tints.


shortlandS1 shortlandS1
Sherd S1 from Alu (Shortland) (Shortland Islands). Slide WD_103_1 from Dickinson Collection, Bishop Museum. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO (user: Guest pwd: Guest). Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Late Period Ware. Feldspathic sands in which plagioclase mineral grains of volcanic derivation form the predominant grain type. Distinguised from others by the green hornblende lacking brown pleochromic tints.


shortlandP5 shortlandP5
Sherd P5 from Alu (Shortland) (Shortland Islands). Slide WD_103_13 from Dickinson Collection, Bishop Museum. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO (user: Guest pwd: Guest). Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Early/Middle Transition Ware. Feldspathic sands in which plagioclase mineral grains of volcanic derivation form the predominant grain type. Distinguised from others by the green hornblende lacking brown pleochromic tints.


shortlandP3 shortlandP3
Sherd P3 from Alu (Shortland) (Shortland Islands). Slide WD_103_14 from Dickinson Collection, Bishop Museum. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO (user: Guest pwd: Guest). Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

FeldsEarly Period Ware. Feldspathic sands in which plagioclase mineral grains of volcanic derivation form the predominant grain type. Distinguised from others by the green hornblende lacking brown pleochromic tints.


shortlandP6 shortlandP6
Sherd P6 from Alu (Shortland) (Shortland Islands). Slide WD_103_15 from Dickinson Collection, Bishop Museum. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO (user: Guest pwd: Guest). Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Early/Middle Transition Ware. Feldspathic sands in which plagioclase mineral grains of volcanic derivation form the predominant grain type. Distinguised from others by the green hornblende lacking brown pleochromic tints.


shortlandM3 shortlandM3
Sherd M3 from Alu (Shortland) (Shortland Islands). Slide WD_103_3 from Dickinson Collection, Bishop Museum. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO (user: Guest pwd: Guest). Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Late Period Ware. Feldspathic sands in which plagioclase mineral grains of volcanic derivation form the predominant grain type. Distinguised from others by the green hornblende lacking brown pleochromic tints.


shortlandP1 shortlandP1
Sherd P1 from Alu (Shortland) (Shortland Islands). Slide WD_103_4 from Dickinson Collection, Bishop Museum. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO (user: Guest pwd: Guest). Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Early Period Ware. Feldspathic sands in which plagioclase mineral grains of volcanic derivation form the predominant grain type. Distinguised from others by the green hornblende lacking brown pleochromic tints.


shortlandK2 shortlandK2
Sherd K2 from Alu (Shortland) (Shortland Islands). Slide WD_103_7 from Dickinson Collection, Bishop Museum. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO (user: Guest pwd: Guest). Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Middle Period Ware. Feldspathic sands in which plagioclase mineral grains of volcanic derivation form the predominant grain type. Distinguised from others by the green hornblende lacking brown pleochromic tints.


033 Shortland Islands, Solomon 1971 (Dickinson, W.)