Fabric Code: tpr193

Boduna feldspathic

Volcanic sand temper with pyroxenes (including orthopyroxene) and rocks of microlitic varieties of andesitic aspect. Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene present.


Mineral and Rock Abundances

None (0) Minor (1) Few (2) Common (3) Frequent (4) Major (5) Very Dominant (6)
0% 0-5% 5-15% 15-30 % 30-50% 50-70% 70-100%

Name Cal. QuartzFeldspar Pyroxene Amphibole Opaques OlivineBiotite Muscovite Epidote Garnet/ SpinelIg./Met. Rocks Sed. Rocks Grog Lithics/ Region
Max 0 0 4 3 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 microlitic, lathwork
Min 0 0 4 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Bismarck

Representative slides:

Slide Site Possible OriginCal. QuartzFeldspar Pyroxene Amphibole Opaques OlivineBiotite Muscovite Epidote Garnet/ Spinel Ig./Met. Rocks Sed. Rocks Grog Lithics
JS_1_3 Boduna (Boduna) New Britain 0 0 4 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 microlitic, lathwork
JS_1_6 Boduna (Boduna) New Britain 0 0 4 3 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 microlitic, lathwork, felsitic, vitric
JS_1_1 Boduna (Boduna) New Britain 0 0 4 3 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 microlitic, lathwork
JS_1_2 Boduna (Boduna) New Britain 0 0 4 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 microlitic, lathwork
JS_1_4 Boduna (Boduna) New Britain 0 0 4 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 microlitic, lathwork
JS_1_5 Boduna (Boduna) New Britain 0 0 4 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 microlitic, lathwork


Sherd FEA11 from Boduna (Boduna). Slide JS_1_3 from J Specht. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO. Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Lapita sherd. Pyroxenes are 1/3 orthopyroxene.


Sherd FEA/A from Boduna (Boduna). Slide JS_1_6 from J Specht. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO. Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Lapita sherd. Pyroxenes are 1/3 orthopyroxene.


FEA2_a FEA2_a
Sherd FEA2 from Boduna (Boduna). Slide JS_1_1 from J Specht. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO. Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Pyroxenes are 1/3 orthopyroxene


Sherd FEA6 from Boduna (Boduna). Slide JS_1_2 from J Specht. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO. Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Pyroxenes are 1/3 orthopyroxene


Sherd FEA28 from Boduna (Boduna). Slide JS_1_4 from J Specht. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO. Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Lapita sherd. Pyroxenes are 1/3 orthopyroxene.


Sherd FEA36 from Boduna (Boduna). Slide JS_1_5 from J Specht. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO. Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Lapita sherd. Pyroxenes are 1/3 orthopyroxene.


149 New Britain, PNG, 1997 (Dickinson, W.)

174 Adwe, Arawe, New Britain, PNG, 1998 (Dickinson, W.)