Fabric Code: tpr483

Huon feldspathic lithic

May be more than one fabric. Has sericite and mica (possibly from degraded feldspars).


Mineral and Rock Abundances

None (0) Minor (1) Few (2) Common (3) Frequent (4) Major (5) Very Dominant (6)
0% 0-5% 5-15% 15-30 % 30-50% 50-70% 70-100%

Name Cal. QuartzFeldspar Pyroxene Amphibole Opaques OlivineBiotite Muscovite Epidote Garnet/ SpinelIg./Met. Rocks Sed. Rocks Grog Lithics/ Region
Max 0 1 5 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 microlitic, lathwork, microphaneritic, plutonite
Min 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 PNG

Representative slides:

Slide Site Possible OriginCal. QuartzFeldspar Pyroxene Amphibole Opaques OlivineBiotite Muscovite Epidote Garnet/ Spinel Ig./Met. Rocks Sed. Rocks Grog Lithics
IL_2_2 Tuam (Tuam) Huon 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 microlitic, plutonite, microphaneritic
IL_2_20 Malai (Malai) Sio 0 0 4 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 lathwork, microphaneritic, microlitic
IL_1_18 Sio (Png) Sio 0 1 4 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 microphaneritic


Tuam4_1 Tuam4_1
Sherd 4/1 from Tuam (Tuam). Slide IL_2_2 from I Lilley. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO. Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Sio style. CAUTION: Section less than 30microns. in diameter. Volcanic rock fragments (<10%) are up to 0.5 rnn across and contain feldspar microlites, opaques and altered glass. Angular pyroxene crystals are accessory. Elongate and rounded pellets are devoid of inclusions. The sherd also contains some large (up to 2 nm in length) ferruginized fragments which also contain opaques and plagioclase. These may be broken pot fragments. Opaque minerals.


Malai5_7 Malai5_7
Sherd 5/7 from Malai (Malai). Slide IL_2_20 from I Lilley. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO. Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Sio style. CAUTION: Section less than 30microns. Pyroxene grains (5%) are generally less than 0.4 m in length. Plagioclase laths (5%) are less than 0.2 mm in length. There are some large volcanic rock fragments made up of abundant plagioclase laths, minor pyroxene and fine grained opaques in a hypocrystallne texture. Accessory iron oxide and red ferruginized clay pellets are also present. The clay is dark brown.


Sio4_2 Sio4_2
Sherd 4/2 from Sio (PNG). Slide IL_1_18 from I Lilley. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO. Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.

Sio style. CAUTION: Section less than 30microns. This dark red to black sherd contains abundant quartz and plagioclase up to 0.1 mm in length. There are some large pyroxene and volcanic rock fragments up to 0.4 mm in length but these grains are only accessory.


Prehistoric exchange in the Vitiaz Strait, Papua New Guinea (Lilley, I.)