Temper Sands in Prehistoric Oceanian Pottery

Dickinson, W.

The Geological Society of America. Special Paper 406. 2006.



  • tpr290b Samoan crushed lathwork lithic
  • tpr293a Samoan felsitic trachytic
  • tpr293b Samoan microlitic trachytic
  • tpr441 Marquesan beach placer
  • tpr442 Marquesan beach feldspathic pyroxenic
  • tpr443 Marquesan alluvial lithic
  • tpr447 DEntrecasteaux quartzose feldspathic
  • Sites:

  • Jane's Camp (Upolu)
  • Paradise (Upolu)
  • Vailele (Upolu)
  • Sasoa’a (Upolu)
  • ‘Aoa Valley (Tutuila)
  • Hane (Ua Huka)
  • Ho'oumi (Nuku Hiva)
  • Atuona Valley (Hiva Oa)
  • Amphlett Islands (Amphlett)
  • Goodenough Is (Goodenough)
  • Trobriand Is (Trobriand)
  • Slides:


    KAM1 KAM1
    Sherd KAM/33 from Finschhafen (PNG). Slide JS_1_36 from J Specht. x4 Magnification PPL (left) XPL (right). Scale bar: 0.5mm. High resolution image in VIMIPO (user: Guest pwd: Guest). Imaged by K. Hardy and M. Leclerc, ANU.